✍️ An authoring framework for data science
✍️ An authoring framework for data science
💾 A file format (.qmd
✍️ An authoring framework for data science
💾 A file format (.qmd
✍️ An authoring framework for data science
💾 A file format (.qmd
📦 An R package (quarto)
✍️ An authoring framework for data science
💾 A file format (.qmd
📦 An R package (quarto)
🛠 A tool for integrating prose, code, and output
✍️ An authoring framework for data science
💾 A file format (.qmd
📦 An R package (quarto)
🛠 A tool for integrating prose, code, and output
✨ Magic
?📃 Text and headers
💻 Code (R, Python, and more)
📊 Output (e.g. plots, tables, model results)
🖼 Images
... and more!
These are just a few headlines from the past or so that highlight an ongoing problem across many fields of science -- that many published studies fail to replicate.
I won't go into details here, but suffice it to say, to solve the reproducibility crisis, we need both cultural changes in how science is conducted AND technological solutions.
Quarto gives us just that -- a technological solution for reproducibility.
To put this in perspective, I'm going to borrow one of my favorite historical analogies; we can think of Quarto like the advent of the printing press in the 15th century.
The printing press made it possible to reproduce any book AND, more importantly, make that process AUTOMATABLE. This revolutionary technology allowed the dissemination of information to the masses, which had a wide-ranging impact on society at large
Quarto does something similar for data science today -- you can share your Quarto document with someone else, and that person will have everything they need to reproduce your analysis AUTOMATICALLY, with the click of a button.
Because this process can be entirely automated, this has huge potential in a business setting to increase the efficiency of data science workflows, which in turn can lead to better business outcomes
How does this all come together? Rendering!
When you render the document...
Quarto sends the .qmd file to knitr, runs all the code and embeds results and text into an .md file.
Pandoc then converts the .md file into your chosen output format, which you specify using YAML metadata.
What you type in .qmd
Regular text*italics***bold** `verbatim code` > Blockquote
Rendered output 👇
Regular text
verbatim code
I will go through this information quickly. Don't worry about absorbing all of this detail now. Have your cheatsheet handy for the exercises.
# Header 1## Header 2### Header 3#### Header 4##### Header 5###### Header 6

::: {.callout-note}A special note about the data.:::
ℹ️ Five types of callouts, including:
, warning
, important
, tip
, and caution
📁 Open your_turn_01.qmd
🔍 Inspect the contents of this HTML output.
💻 Add markdown formatting to your_turn_01.qmd
to re-create the HTML output.
Render your_turn_01.qmd
to check your work.
Add Level-1 and Level-2 headers
Add a bulleted list
Add a hyperlink
Add an image (saved in the images/
Add italicized and bolded text
By default, code and output are both displayed.
```{r}ggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy)) + geom_point()```
ggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy)) + geom_point()
Chunk output can be customized with options, which are specified using the "hashpipe":
echo: FALSE
hides the code. Especially useful for plots!
```{r}#| echo: falseggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy)) + geom_point()```
eval: FALSE
prevents the code from being run.
```{r}#| eval: falseggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy)) + geom_point()```
ggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy)) + geom_point()
include: FALSE
runs the code, but prevents both the code and the output from appearing. Especially useful for setup chunks.
```{r}#| include: falseggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy)) + geom_point()```
[no code or output shown]
Some code will return a warning message along with the output.
```{r}#| echo: falseggplot(airquality, aes(Temp, Ozone)) + geom_point()```
## Warning: Removed 37 rows containing missing values (`geom_point()`).
warning: false
will suppress warning messages in the output.
```{r}#| echo: false#| warning: falseggplot(airquality, aes(Temp, Ozone)) + geom_point()```
Use label
to give chunks a descriptive summary.
```{r}#| label: peekglimpse(mpg)```
Use label
to give chunks a descriptive summary.
```{r}#| label: peekglimpse(mpg)```
```{r}#| label: peekhead(mpg)```
Error in parse_block(g[-1], g[1], params.src) : duplicate label 'peek'Calls: <Anonymous> ... process_file -> split_file -> lapply -> FUN -> parse_blockExecution halted
⚠️ Careful! No duplicate chunk labels
how can we make it easier on ourselves to explore the code in here?
show how to add chunk labels and view in IDE interactively
💡 Think "kebabs, not snakes"
my plot
...everything else!
Easier to organize and navigate your document
To include executable code within markdown text, enclose your code in r
surrounded by single backticks.
Our data includes measurements from `r n_distinct(mpg$model)` different car models.
Our data includes measurements from 38 different car models.
📁 Open your_turn_02.qmd
🔍 Inspect the contents of this HTML output.
💻 Add chunk options to your_turn_02.qmd
to re-create the HTML output.
Render your_turn_02.qmd
to check your work.
Hide the code and output of the setup chunk
Hide the code for all plots
Bonus: Add descriptive labels to your code chunks
A section of key: value
pairs separated by dashes ---
---key: value---
---title: Diamonds Explorationauthor: Brendan Cullenformat: html---
---title: Diamonds Explorationauthor: Brendan Cullenformat: html---
---title: Diamonds Explorationauthor: Brendan Cullenformat: html: toc: true---
Add a table of contents
---title: Diamonds Explorationauthor: Brendan Cullenformat: html---
---title: Diamonds Explorationauthor: Brendan Cullenformat: html: toc: true toc-depth: 3---
Add a table of contents
...with 3 levels
---title: Diamonds Explorationauthor: Brendan Cullenformat:html:toc: truetoc-depth: 3---
---title: Diamonds Explorationauthor: Brendan Cullenformat:html:toc: truetoc-depth: 3---
---title: Diamonds Explorationauthor: Brendan Cullenformat: html: toc: true toc-depth: 3---
Indent format 2 characters
Indent options 4 characters
📁 Open your_turn_03.qmd
🔍 Inspect the contents of this HTML output.
💻 Add YAML metadata to your_turn_03.qmd
to re-create the HTML output.
Render your_turn_03.qmd
to check your work.
Add your name as the author
Add today's date
Add a table of contents
Apply the lux
theme to your document
Print the diamonds
dataset as a paged table
✅ Document your document: use YAML to set up meaningful metadata
✅ Document your document: use YAML to set up meaningful metadata
✅ Style your document: use YAML to add options to your chosen output format
✅ Document your document: use YAML to set up meaningful metadata
✅ Style your document: use YAML to add options to your chosen output format
✅ Style your text: use markdown for bold, italics, code
, bullets and lists
✅ Document your document: use YAML to set up meaningful metadata
✅ Style your document: use YAML to add options to your chosen output format
✅ Style your text: use markdown for bold, italics, code
, bullets and lists
✅ Style your output: use chunk options (echo
, eval
, etc.)
✅ Document your document: use YAML to set up meaningful metadata
✅ Style your document: use YAML to add options to your chosen output format
✅ Style your text: use markdown for bold, italics, code
, bullets and lists
✅ Style your output: use chunk options (echo
, eval
, etc.)
✅ Organize your text: use markdown headers with #
✅ Document your document: use YAML to set up meaningful metadata
✅ Style your document: use YAML to add options to your chosen output format
✅ Style your text: use markdown for bold, italics, code
, bullets and lists
✅ Style your output: use chunk options (echo
, eval
, etc.)
✅ Organize your text: use markdown headers with #
✅ Organize your code: use chunk labels
✅ Document your document: use YAML to set up meaningful metadata
✅ Style your document: use YAML to add options to your chosen output format
✅ Style your text: use markdown for bold, italics, code
, bullets and lists
✅ Style your output: use chunk options (echo
, eval
, etc.)
✅ Organize your text: use markdown headers with #
✅ Organize your code: use chunk labels
✅ Preview your work: render early, render often
Keyboard shortcuts
↑, ←, Pg Up, k | Go to previous slide |
↓, →, Pg Dn, Space, j | Go to next slide |
Home | Go to first slide |
End | Go to last slide |
Number + Return | Go to specific slide |
b / m / f | Toggle blackout / mirrored / fullscreen mode |
c | Clone slideshow |
p | Toggle presenter mode |
t | Restart the presentation timer |
?, h | Toggle this help |
o | Tile View: Overview of Slides |
Esc | Back to slideshow |
✍️ An authoring framework for data science
✍️ An authoring framework for data science
💾 A file format (.qmd
✍️ An authoring framework for data science
💾 A file format (.qmd
✍️ An authoring framework for data science
💾 A file format (.qmd
📦 An R package (quarto)
✍️ An authoring framework for data science
💾 A file format (.qmd
📦 An R package (quarto)
🛠 A tool for integrating prose, code, and output
✍️ An authoring framework for data science
💾 A file format (.qmd
📦 An R package (quarto)
🛠 A tool for integrating prose, code, and output
✨ Magic
?📃 Text and headers
💻 Code (R, Python, and more)
📊 Output (e.g. plots, tables, model results)
🖼 Images
... and more!
These are just a few headlines from the past or so that highlight an ongoing problem across many fields of science -- that many published studies fail to replicate.
I won't go into details here, but suffice it to say, to solve the reproducibility crisis, we need both cultural changes in how science is conducted AND technological solutions.
Quarto gives us just that -- a technological solution for reproducibility.
To put this in perspective, I'm going to borrow one of my favorite historical analogies; we can think of Quarto like the advent of the printing press in the 15th century.
The printing press made it possible to reproduce any book AND, more importantly, make that process AUTOMATABLE. This revolutionary technology allowed the dissemination of information to the masses, which had a wide-ranging impact on society at large
Quarto does something similar for data science today -- you can share your Quarto document with someone else, and that person will have everything they need to reproduce your analysis AUTOMATICALLY, with the click of a button.
Because this process can be entirely automated, this has huge potential in a business setting to increase the efficiency of data science workflows, which in turn can lead to better business outcomes
How does this all come together? Rendering!
When you render the document...
Quarto sends the .qmd file to knitr, runs all the code and embeds results and text into an .md file.
Pandoc then converts the .md file into your chosen output format, which you specify using YAML metadata.
What you type in .qmd
Regular text*italics***bold** `verbatim code` > Blockquote
Rendered output 👇
Regular text
verbatim code
I will go through this information quickly. Don't worry about absorbing all of this detail now. Have your cheatsheet handy for the exercises.
# Header 1## Header 2### Header 3#### Header 4##### Header 5###### Header 6

::: {.callout-note}A special note about the data.:::
ℹ️ Five types of callouts, including:
, warning
, important
, tip
, and caution
📁 Open your_turn_01.qmd
🔍 Inspect the contents of this HTML output.
💻 Add markdown formatting to your_turn_01.qmd
to re-create the HTML output.
Render your_turn_01.qmd
to check your work.
Add Level-1 and Level-2 headers
Add a bulleted list
Add a hyperlink
Add an image (saved in the images/
Add italicized and bolded text
By default, code and output are both displayed.
```{r}ggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy)) + geom_point()```
ggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy)) + geom_point()
Chunk output can be customized with options, which are specified using the "hashpipe":
echo: FALSE
hides the code. Especially useful for plots!
```{r}#| echo: falseggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy)) + geom_point()```
eval: FALSE
prevents the code from being run.
```{r}#| eval: falseggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy)) + geom_point()```
ggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy)) + geom_point()
include: FALSE
runs the code, but prevents both the code and the output from appearing. Especially useful for setup chunks.
```{r}#| include: falseggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy)) + geom_point()```
[no code or output shown]
Some code will return a warning message along with the output.
```{r}#| echo: falseggplot(airquality, aes(Temp, Ozone)) + geom_point()```
## Warning: Removed 37 rows containing missing values (`geom_point()`).
warning: false
will suppress warning messages in the output.
```{r}#| echo: false#| warning: falseggplot(airquality, aes(Temp, Ozone)) + geom_point()```
Use label
to give chunks a descriptive summary.
```{r}#| label: peekglimpse(mpg)```
Use label
to give chunks a descriptive summary.
```{r}#| label: peekglimpse(mpg)```
```{r}#| label: peekhead(mpg)```
Error in parse_block(g[-1], g[1], params.src) : duplicate label 'peek'Calls: <Anonymous> ... process_file -> split_file -> lapply -> FUN -> parse_blockExecution halted
⚠️ Careful! No duplicate chunk labels
how can we make it easier on ourselves to explore the code in here?
show how to add chunk labels and view in IDE interactively
💡 Think "kebabs, not snakes"
my plot
...everything else!
Easier to organize and navigate your document
To include executable code within markdown text, enclose your code in r
surrounded by single backticks.
Our data includes measurements from `r n_distinct(mpg$model)` different car models.
Our data includes measurements from 38 different car models.
📁 Open your_turn_02.qmd
🔍 Inspect the contents of this HTML output.
💻 Add chunk options to your_turn_02.qmd
to re-create the HTML output.
Render your_turn_02.qmd
to check your work.
Hide the code and output of the setup chunk
Hide the code for all plots
Bonus: Add descriptive labels to your code chunks
A section of key: value
pairs separated by dashes ---
---key: value---
---title: Diamonds Explorationauthor: Brendan Cullenformat: html---
---title: Diamonds Explorationauthor: Brendan Cullenformat: html---
---title: Diamonds Explorationauthor: Brendan Cullenformat: html: toc: true---
Add a table of contents
---title: Diamonds Explorationauthor: Brendan Cullenformat: html---
---title: Diamonds Explorationauthor: Brendan Cullenformat: html: toc: true toc-depth: 3---
Add a table of contents
...with 3 levels
---title: Diamonds Explorationauthor: Brendan Cullenformat:html:toc: truetoc-depth: 3---
---title: Diamonds Explorationauthor: Brendan Cullenformat:html:toc: truetoc-depth: 3---
---title: Diamonds Explorationauthor: Brendan Cullenformat: html: toc: true toc-depth: 3---
Indent format 2 characters
Indent options 4 characters
📁 Open your_turn_03.qmd
🔍 Inspect the contents of this HTML output.
💻 Add YAML metadata to your_turn_03.qmd
to re-create the HTML output.
Render your_turn_03.qmd
to check your work.
Add your name as the author
Add today's date
Add a table of contents
Apply the lux
theme to your document
Print the diamonds
dataset as a paged table
✅ Document your document: use YAML to set up meaningful metadata
✅ Document your document: use YAML to set up meaningful metadata
✅ Style your document: use YAML to add options to your chosen output format
✅ Document your document: use YAML to set up meaningful metadata
✅ Style your document: use YAML to add options to your chosen output format
✅ Style your text: use markdown for bold, italics, code
, bullets and lists
✅ Document your document: use YAML to set up meaningful metadata
✅ Style your document: use YAML to add options to your chosen output format
✅ Style your text: use markdown for bold, italics, code
, bullets and lists
✅ Style your output: use chunk options (echo
, eval
, etc.)
✅ Document your document: use YAML to set up meaningful metadata
✅ Style your document: use YAML to add options to your chosen output format
✅ Style your text: use markdown for bold, italics, code
, bullets and lists
✅ Style your output: use chunk options (echo
, eval
, etc.)
✅ Organize your text: use markdown headers with #
✅ Document your document: use YAML to set up meaningful metadata
✅ Style your document: use YAML to add options to your chosen output format
✅ Style your text: use markdown for bold, italics, code
, bullets and lists
✅ Style your output: use chunk options (echo
, eval
, etc.)
✅ Organize your text: use markdown headers with #
✅ Organize your code: use chunk labels
✅ Document your document: use YAML to set up meaningful metadata
✅ Style your document: use YAML to add options to your chosen output format
✅ Style your text: use markdown for bold, italics, code
, bullets and lists
✅ Style your output: use chunk options (echo
, eval
, etc.)
✅ Organize your text: use markdown headers with #
✅ Organize your code: use chunk labels
✅ Preview your work: render early, render often